Saturday, August 22, 2009
Sometimes Dreams...
Last night I had a good dream.
I DID the photo shoot. Without anyone around. It was awesome, and I woke up knowing that I could do it. I knew I could....
Friday, August 21, 2009
Wanted: Spine
Ready, Excited.
Lots of people- one with big camera & excellent lens.
"Camera Girl" tells me I'm doing it wrong. (I'm not...)
Crumble, Fold, Leave.
P.S. In case you were wondering, I don't shoot weddings. (anymore)
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Perfect 6

This kid blew me away. We biked roughly 2 miles up and down hills. This kid never stopped, and never wrecked. (ALMOST, when dad decided to "race" her down a hill, but she held steady!) She's been without training wheels for how long?
We hiked inspiring trails every day

One evening we went into town to a special "Movie in the Park" that the kids thought was just magical! Everyone just showed up with blankets and lawn chairs and hung around until the movie started at dusk.
They even had a little boat ride for the kids to pass the time. Price of the entire night? $2.50 for 3 bags of popcorn and a soft pretzel. Memories? Priceless.
Almost every night ended with a snack of some kind

On our last perfect night, we drove into a local town for a "homecoming" fireworks show over the lake. While we were waiting, Saroya learned to whistle with a blade of grass!
It was so much more beautiful watching the reflection on the water, and since we got a waterfront seat, I got some cool pictures!
A perfect way to finish a perfect week.
Now we are home for laundry, a wedding and work before heading out on another adventure next week. We can't WAIT!
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Full Swing Summer

Today, we had a surprise for the kids when a friend invited us to go boating with him. Out of our family, I am the only one who has water skied. After today though... (love the picture Ethan took of me that focused on the water drops instead of me?? I DO!!)

Next time...
And one last thing, just to document it so I have some accountability, I have been "workin' on my fitness", and I need a few witnesses!! :)
There is another surprise in store for tomorrow for the kids that has to do with fast rides and water, but I can't ruin the surprise JUST yet!! :)
HURRAY for summer!
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Just a Hike
I mean, we have had some super-great visitors

So as I sit here, I realize how behind I am and how much I let fall by the wayside. I need to get better at finding a better balance in my life. August is going to be a really busy month, and then it's back to school, but I need to do better. And I will.
I mean... who wants to forget this???