...with the new corn filled heating pads Miss J & I made. They love to warm them in the microwave and put them in their beds while they brush their teeth. Then their beds are nice and warm to crawl into. We have all loved "street sledding & snowboarding" with Nathan's quad.
Saroya and Jaleigh are still in love with Gymnastics
And we all think Ethan is a HERO on the ice. People I don't even know are screaming "COME ON ETHAN!!" during games. :)
Miss J fell in love with cosmetology. (EEK!!!) Ethan just LOVES making Mickey Ear pancakes in anticipation of our upcoming trip.
Now hopefully all this love will start melting some of this snow....
HA!! I got my computer fixed! The best part about it though, is that I figured it out myself! Yeah, I know. I am a techie genius. Anyway- so back to blogging!
Ok- so since the Tangren's were in town for the holiday and the Garricks were NOT, we decided to take ourselves out to New York to crash their party. :P
It was perfect driving until the last hour. Then it was like we hit a wall of blizzard that stayed with us the rest of the way. I called ahead and told Nikki to get some heating pads ready, because every muscle in my body was tense. Ouch.
We got there on New Years Eve really early, so we tried to sleep in as much as possible- but not the kids. They got busy making plans and catching up. I love that they all love being together.
The kids played downstairs and worked on a "JERKY*" Carnival event for the first day of the year. (*Jillie, Ethan, Reagan, Kobe, and SaroYa)
Oh yeah, and Hyrum fell in love that very first day! (Is he soo cute??) I skipped breakfast so Greg treated me to the most amazing sandwich ever at Wegmans. Seriously- if you live anywhere near a Wegmans and don't eat or shop there... you should be ashamed. I even brought home some special sandwich sauce this time! A vacation started at Wegmans is always a very good thing.
Jillie had a bad thanksgiving because she had just started orthodontic treatment which made it hard to eat, so Nikki (being the amazing mother that she is..) decided to do "Thanksgiving Dinner II" with all the trimmings. It was nice because we were all there to help get things together, and we were all there to eat it! :) I don't usually make Thanksgiving dinner, so it was interesting to see what Nikki goes through.
We had turkey, ham, mashed potatoes, cheesy potatoes, sweet potatoes, rolls (Oh my- the ROLLS...),
green beans, salad, stuffing, pie, and I am sure there was more, I just can't remember. It was GOOD!!! Everyone was pretty happy about it.
The kids had been begging to go to the church to clean and play basketball, so we loaded them up and went to the church. Apparently the Stepford Wives go to church there, because there wasn't even a speck of chalk on the boards, no garbage in the trash cans, not even a smudge on the windows (until after we were there... :)! So not much cleaning, a lot of playing.
Derek got crafty showing us his ball balancing act...
After a much needed energy release, we went home for an illegal firework display, and watched the countdown in the same state it was happening in! :)
The next day I got a second chance to take some pictures of all the grand kids and thankfully- we may have a few decent ones.
We went to see movie (3 different groups seeing 3 different movies!), the kids ate the biggest pizza ever and the adults feasted on the best Chicken Scampi (oh I my mouth is watering just thinking about it!), and then it was time for the carnival. What imaginations these kids have!! They had 16 different activities (I think) planned and they were all fun. I didn't have my camera out, but Ethan caught some pictures with his. They quizzed Derek on everything from sound bites from different Wii games to the decor of Reagan's room. He did AMAZINGLY well. Then everyone had to get a costume on. I realized how REALLY uncomfortable I am with masks during this little ditty...
There was a bean toss game, a raffle for a sucker, a coloring contest, a snack bar and so much more. It was really fun for everyone. I love it when those kids put their heads together!
We spent the rest of the trip in Palmyra visiting the historical sites. It gives you a whole different perspective on things to be standing in a tiny log home where Joseph, and was it 11 others?, lived in the middle of the winter. Walking through the Sacred Grove in the deep snow, I loved it.
On our way home to Michigan from the Garricks, we stopped off in Kirtland to go through the temple, and the other historical sites. SUCH a difference not being there in the summer! The missionary couples at the LDS historical sites are always so great, not in a rush in the least even if you are the last ones for the night. They even opened up the visitors center for us so that we could have a potty break before hitting the road again. I will never tire of church historical sites. Even if you are not a member of our church, there is always a good reason to stop. What isn't to love about this???
A big THANK YOU going out to Greg Nikki and the kids for having us ALL! See you guys in February!