Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!!

We have a tradition on Halloween to go out for dinner. We figure that way, they will be excited about going out to eat, and hopefully actually EAT something healthy(ish).

When we went out this time, the waitress said to Saroya, "What would you like to drink?"

Saroya promptly pulled out her pad of paper from her own waitress costume and said, "What would YOU like to drink?" The waitress was more than happy to let Saroya jump right in and do her work for her!

Later, an older gentleman walked by our table and started to talk to Jaleigh, "Well, aren't you a pretty little princess??"

Jaleigh responded, "Yes! And Ethan is an old man like YOU!"..... Luckily the older gentleman was a little hard of hearing. :) Whew!


Nikki said...

Oh my word! Your kids KILL me! HA!!!!

Dave said...

I just want to know where Ethan got the "old man" idea... at least he has hair. :D
What a kick they all are!

Leanne said...

Wait a minute...I thought Jaleigh was a BYU cheerleader this year?

Sunny said...

Ethan makes a great old man!! Jaleigh kills me and way to work it Saroya!! Did she remember what everyone ordered? Do you go to a certain place every year? How fun! They all look great!!:)

Jillie said...

i like the costumes especially Ethan's!!! I love saroya and jalieghs responses to hsm3 also !

John L and Lorraine said...

When I was little I had a neighbor that when we went to his house to 'trick or treat' we always had to do a trick before we got a treat(I think I sang a song.) I was reminded of that with Saroya and Jaleigh's humor.

Caity said...

Oh my goodness, they were so cute! That is so funny about Saroya. WHen I was Ethan's age, I was a Granny for halloween. I think we would have made a cute couple :) jk