Monday after school, the girls had their first gymnastics class for the year. It is soo much fun to watch them. They absolutely love it.
Tuesday... Great weather. As soon as the kids get off the bus we decide to go to PJ Hoffmaster and go for a fall hike. See- I am strangely obsessed with acorns. I don't get it either, but I just love the browns and greens in every shade. The kids know I love them so we are always collecting them in the fall. PJ Hoffmaster has lots of HUGE ones so obviously I chose the location...
So we did....
And another place had lots of trees that had fallen over the trail so it was really like an obstacle course.
As we continued and found lots of cool acorns, bugs, mushrooms (yes we did take pictures, and no I won't bore you with them!!) and a few leaves that had just started to change.
It was a really windy day and the further we hiked, the louder the wind seemed to be. Up ahead Nathan noticed that the trees stared to show more light and there seemed to be a clearing. The kids picked up their steps and soon we came upon this amazing sight... (and of course the picture does it NO justice.) The waves were cresting out as far as you could see and going in every direction. It The wind we heard were actually the waves crashing and it was the most breathtaking view. There was such an incredible energy with the clouds, the waves, the wind, the warm air and not another soul in sight. It's not like we hadn't seen the beach with waves before, but it was completely unexpected. We thought we had hiked far from the beach.
The kids thought it would be good surfing conditions. I was glad to keep them on the shore this day..
We stayed and played for as long as we could justify and then we headed to Culver's for some delicious dinner. Left feeling energized, filled and amazed.
Wed, usual YM/YW's activities and Scouts for the boys. Good to get into that routine again.
Thursday we made another bus stop decision, but this time to go rollerblading on the bike path. Luckily for you, I didn't have my camera but it was so much fun! We can all rollerblade at a pretty good pace now with Jaleigh in the stroller. She always wants to rollerblade too, so we bring her skates in the stroller and then we stop at the park so we can rest, and she can practice her rollerblading. Nathan & I were able have some really good one on one conversations about the future and his career. I love when we have time and are not talking about money, schedules, appointments etc. Came home feeling really good and connected.
Friday, Nathan didn't get home from school until about 6:30 and I had dinner made so we could eat right away. Even though I know Nathan was anxious to get to his homework (because he had to work all weekend) he suggested that we play a board game together. That is one of our favorite family pastimes. It was so fun to all laugh together. Even Jaleigh was getting into it! While shaking the dice up and down and all around between both of her hands she would whisper "Common 2!! Give me a 2!" which of course had no rhyme or reason. It was funny! Went to bed happy.
Finally on Saturday, the kids and I went to a camp for handicapped kids with our stake and helped clean things up. It seemed like such a small thing that we were doing, and by the time the camp opens next year won't it just need to be done again? But I was so glad that we were there, doing what we were asked to do and if nothing else, helping my kids understand service. Boy were they proud of all the chairs we washed and the tables we cleaned. They took pride in what they were doing. It was also good for them to see their grandma and grandpa there doing everything they could do to help too. You can never be too busy to serve in whatever capacity you are called to. I really think they got it too. I overheard Ethan talking to a school friend about it later that night. Relaxed tonight feeling content, blessed and thankful for a family that takes every opportunity to be together and have fun.
Holly - I'm having a horrible night, but reading your post cheered me up. I know that I'll get to have a week like that sometime soon...probably...
Seeing your kids "dancing in the sand" made me smile SO BIG! Thanks!
I want to be in your family!!! You guys do the funnest things!!! Too bad we don't live closer...Ryder would LOVE having your fun kids to play with. We'll be there the week of Thanksgiving...maybe we could hook up then??
Okay, so basically, I want my family to be just like yours! That is awesome! Reading your blog made me want to give up my play and so I can spend every night playing with my family! Joel has this weekend off and I think we're going to just have to give PJ Hoffmaster a visit. Oh, and maybe Culver's too :) You're awesome!
We ARE blessed.
We're so grateful for the good you do and share.
Thanks for sharing!
In a way, it's reward time for us, too.
You have a unique lifestyle thanks to Nathan's career choice. Not many have time during the week for a bus stop planned family mini vacation! :)
I hope you have many more "best week evers" :)
Hope you have many more weeks like this one! We miss you guys!
Holly ~ I want to be a mom like you. :) It's so wonderful you take such time with your kids to experience the little things in life which always turn out to be the best. All of your adventures!!! It makes me excited for Celia to get older... and makes me think MAYBE I'll have more.... Maybe.
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