Jaleigh kept changing her mind as to what she wanted her pumpkin to look like, so she continued modifying her plan way into the carving phase...
I think there were sounds of gagging when I mentioned the baking of the seeds (from children and adults alike) so we skipped that. I guess that won't be part of our tradition. Nathan & I did start a tradition when we were first married that we would watch a Christmas movie while we carved our pumpkins, but no TV near the pumpkin carving this year. Bummer. Hey- My name is Holly ALL year round, not just at Christmas time. I am entitled...
Another thing I did today that was...well, and still is, CRAZY. I, whom has sewn curtains and not much else, have decided to make Saroya a bunny Halloween costume. OK- it's one thing to decide to do it, and it is quite another to decide a week before Halloween to do it. I am a crazy lady. I am. I know this. But I am so pumped to do it! Saroya has insisted on this costume idea partly I think because of "Junie B. Jones" book she has read recently, and partly because of a Easter basket shaped like a Easter Bunny head she found at Goodwill. Those two thing have cemented her decision to be a bunny for Halloween. Bunny costumes are apparently, for babies and adults because there is nothing in between. This is what "drove" me to JoAnn Fabrics on a nice Tuesday morning.
It was really fun to look at all the patterns of things you can make, but a little daunting when the little person right next to you says, "I want this. I love this. I need this. This is what I want..." to every picture in the book. An older lady down the table from us looked up from her book and said, "You must be SOME seamstress!" I half smiled and thought, "Ha! If only you knew. If only you knew how clueless I am right now. If only you knew that I will be spending the next hour and a half trying to figure out what is written on the back of this envelope that pertains to me. If only you knew that I have no clue." I wanted to fold her up and put her in my pocket, or at least drag her through the store with me because I was sure she knew what she was doing.
Not a minute passed before I hear the lady at the end of the table say, "Oh, Hello Betty!" and the conversation continued something like this...
"Who are you making things for today?"
"Oh I am making some things for the Pregnancy Crisis Center. Who are you sewing for?"
"I am making a few things for the Rescue Mission. They need so much this time of year."
"Oh yes, that's why I make things just as often as I can..."
I was humbled. These ladies must have been in their mid 70's. Was it just a coincidence that they knew each other and were just there, or are they sewing so much for charity, they see each other all the time. Either way, I was amazed at these women. When most would consider them past their prime, these women were STILL making a difference. They were doing what they could to help others. And what a difference one little sweater or fleece shirt would mean to someone with nothing, or very little as the weather grows colder. There I was so consumed with what I needed, for a Halloween costume, and they were blessing the lives of others and not just for fun. It was indeed an eye opener, and I did find what I needed. I found it on my own. I want to learn NOW, so that maybe when I am old like them (and hopefully before then) I can make a difference. Not just for fun, but to bless the life of even one. That will be worth the 2 1/2 hours (plus a call to my lil' sis) I spent that day in the store finding what I needed. You can learn a lesson anywhere. As long as you are willing to take notice of the lesson being taught, I guess.
So far I have cut each of the fabric pieces out and tried to study the directions. I have a ways to go, but I am encouraged and can't wait to post my success! (No- it will not be a close up picture!) :)
More power to ya Hol. I have no confidence in myself when it comes to trying to sew.
Your Halloween memories are exactly the same as mine- obviously. But isn't it neat that not everyone did the exact same things as us... but we (Sunny included) did those things and now our kids have the identical experience on pumpkin carving night. We'll be doing ours for FHE Monday. Here's hoping for little homework & early dinner.
Cute pumpkins!!! That looks like such a fun activity once the kids are old enough to know what is going on. And way to go with the sewing thing...my grandma gave me her old old old Montgomery ward sewing machine and I can hardly figure out how to thread the darn thing let alone sew with it...things I wish I had had my mom teach me when I was young. Good luck!
Where's the picture? I am waiting to see "pictures" of your Bunny suit (and YOU!). Saroya as a pink bunny!! Who would have thought?
I really would like to know just how Nathan did those eyes. Guess I will have to come and "see" for myself.
Derek was beyond shocked that we didn't carve our own pumpkins. I was shocked that he did. I wonder how Hy's experience will be. Isn't it funny that we felt the need to draw a pumpkin to draw a face. Couldn't we have just drawn the face on a piece of paper without the pumpkin? You don't like the seeds?!? I had no idea. I could tell which pumpkin was Saroyas before we saw the picture of her sitting by it!
Hi Hol, I finally found you. I have asked Jason continuosly to get me your site address so I could read your blog and he keeps forgetting (I had to get it from Ruth). But, Yea! I finally got here. I have spent the last hour reading your different blogs. It just makes me miss you guys even more. I can't wait to see the kids in their costumes. I spent a month trying to figure out what to dress the boys as. I came up with some pretty good ideas then I waited too long to order them costumes off of the internet and had to last minute grab what costumes Target had left. I suck. So they are going to be the worlds cutest dog and lion. Not quite as original as batman and robin or yoda and chewbacca but,it will work. Loves and hugs to you all. Nikki (not your sister the other one). p.s. whats the soonest we can come visit again without it being wierd?
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