Nikon D40X BABY!!!
More to come later, I just HAD to let you know......
Nikon D40X BABY!!!
More to come later, I just HAD to let you know......
And she also made homemade egg rolls for everyone (Hey- I'm giving you props for helping too Leanne! THANK YOU!)
Anyway- by the end of a long corny night, I felt like I had gone out to eat for a GREAT meal with my husband (and about 35 kids... Oh well!) thanks to the thoughtfulness of my great friends.
Now Nathan and the kids say they have a "real" birthday party planned for me tonight. We will see what that brings!!
Anyway- thanks so much to all of you that helped make my birthday one of the best!
I love the special touch of the penny already in place just waiting for you to come, turn it and get a prize!
I said, "Why are you guys selling Saroya's gumball machine?"
"Well, we decided that we are going to sell it and use the money to buy a bigger one. You are in charge of editing."
Yes- That is exactly what we need. A BIGGER gumball machine. So I think of the pro's and con's to this situation. I tell the kids that we won't be selling it today because it is Sunday and we don't buy or sell things on Sunday. I have until Monday to decide what to do. Ethan walks away saying quietly, "This is going to be such a GREAT experience!" Humm....
Ok- so gumball machines are selling for about $5.00 dollars on e-bay. ("Yeah, but OURS comes with 81 pennies and 2 dimes!) It would not sell for $34.00, I am quite sure. But they have worked hard on developing their plan of action. Looking for how they can make it attractive to the buyer, taking pictures that make it look like you NEED this, plus there are numerous opportunities for teaching about economics. The down sides are that I don't even know how to sell things on e-bay, would they be so sad that no one even looks at their item?, if by some freak accident they DO sell this, are they going to want to sell everything in their possession? So I need some QUICK advice. How far do I take this??
Now the day is ending with Saroya running to the bathroom with a bowl by her face and Jaleigh running after her, "Saroya? Are you gonna choke?? (her word for puke) Come on Saroya, CHOKE! It's ok..." Then she walks away after Saroya gets to the bathroom, "Oh man- I do NOT want to see her choke..." What a sister.
With 3 snow days off of school in the past 3 weeks, we have had a little cabin fever around here. The previous two snow days were canceled due to snow and wind chill. You can't go out and play in -25 degree weather. On Thursday though, school was canceled due to a foot of snow dumped on us. By afternoon most places were dug out and we were ready to get outside.
We went outside for a while...
and of course Saroya & Ethan had to have a wrestling match for a while... (I love this picture even though I am quite sure they will kill me for it when they are teenagers. Whenever they are "play wrestling" they always get right in each others faces and use "fightin' words" before throwing each other around. I happened to catch this "fightin' words moment and it cracks me up!) Then we hit the sledding hill.
Why is it that kids always end up going down the hill backwards? :) I thought this was a cute picture of Jaleigh & the little boy I babysit going down the hill together. They barely went anywhere at all because the snow was so deep and they are so light. (even together!)
Saroya and Ethan went right for the snowboards..
We will have to get a better video of Saroya because she actually did VERY good this time. My camera however, decided itself when it would record and when it wouldn't. Have I mentioned that I need a new camera?? ;)
Ethan says he needs to do this all day long... :)