Sunday, February 10, 2008

Snowed in Sunday

Ok- enough with the weather already!! Today our high temperatures were a balmy 5 degrees with a wind chill factor of-25 to -30. They used words like "snow squalls" "blizzard conditions" "zero visibility" and "frequent whiteouts" a little more than I usually like to hear. Ever. They actually said this on the weather today... "The wind will diminish after midnight allowing wind chills to improve to 0 to -10 by daybreak." Sounds nice, huh? Well needless to say- Church was canceled. After making breakfast for the kids, I went back to lay down by Nathan (who had to brave the treacherous weather not once but TWICE today to get to and from work.).

I woke up (oops!) to Ethan asking what "preheat" means. I said, "just wait a minute." and tried to clear my eyes. Ethan said, "Why when I try to turn on the oven to 425 and push start, it goes back to 100?"

"Ok, ok. What are you doing? ...And why is my camera around your neck?"

"You'll see"

As soon as I get to the kitchen, (after passing Saroya in the living room counting pennies) sure enough there is a frozen pizza on a baking sheet ready to go in the oven. Then he shoves a paper to me.

"Mom- will you out this on e-bay?"

To translate in-case you can't read it, it says,
"Gumball Machine for Sale.
-it is for $35.00.
-it comes with 81 (used to be 101) pennies and two dimes
-and comes with 105 gumballs
-how you re-fill the machine... You unscrew the bolt on the top of it and then pour the gumballs in.
-to get the pennies out. You unscrew the bolt and then the bottom will fall apart
-hardly been used
and apparently they understand the power of pictures when selling things, so they took these pictures.

I love the special touch of the penny already in place just waiting for you to come, turn it and get a prize!

I said, "Why are you guys selling Saroya's gumball machine?"

"Well, we decided that we are going to sell it and use the money to buy a bigger one. You are in charge of editing."

Yes- That is exactly what we need. A BIGGER gumball machine. So I think of the pro's and con's to this situation. I tell the kids that we won't be selling it today because it is Sunday and we don't buy or sell things on Sunday. I have until Monday to decide what to do. Ethan walks away saying quietly, "This is going to be such a GREAT experience!" Humm....

Ok- so gumball machines are selling for about $5.00 dollars on e-bay. ("Yeah, but OURS comes with 81 pennies and 2 dimes!) It would not sell for $34.00, I am quite sure. But they have worked hard on developing their plan of action. Looking for how they can make it attractive to the buyer, taking pictures that make it look like you NEED this, plus there are numerous opportunities for teaching about economics. The down sides are that I don't even know how to sell things on e-bay, would they be so sad that no one even looks at their item?, if by some freak accident they DO sell this, are they going to want to sell everything in their possession? So I need some QUICK advice. How far do I take this??

Now the day is ending with Saroya running to the bathroom with a bowl by her face and Jaleigh running after her, "Saroya? Are you gonna choke?? (her word for puke) Come on Saroya, CHOKE! It's ok..." Then she walks away after Saroya gets to the bathroom, "Oh man- I do NOT want to see her choke..." What a sister.


Derek said...

Well, one thing you could try would be to put it up on eBay for $5.00 and set the shipping and handling to $30. You might get some poor sap to buy it. That is of course, if you could live with yourself. ;-)

Another option would be to just go ahead and put it up for $35. If no one buys it, you keep it. You'd be out the $0.75-$1.00 that it would cost to list you item, but that might be worth it since they seem so excited about trying to make some fast cash.

Man, when we were kids, it was all about lemonade stands. What you might also try instead is to have them start out with putting together some old toys and seeing if they could sell those.

eBay economics are kind of funny. You want to research what they are going for (like you have already). Maybe you bring that into the equation in your teaching. It's all about supply and demand.

I've sold quite a bit on eBay, so give us a call if you want some more ideas.

Salem said...

I just want to live in your house for one day...when the kids have a snow day...I would be so entertained!!!

Caity said...

Oh that is funny. Smart kid.

Nikki said...

Good tips from Derek- did anything come of all of this? Your kids are quite self sufficient and independent- good job!!! I'm not very good at that am I?! :(

Hating the stomach bug- hope it's all done at your house too!