Then came the summer and you know we love to hike. They have great sandals that are totally waterproof, and they have a great "toe guard" so they go to the beach and on a hike (which usually happens during the same excursion). Anyway- needless to say, we have become a Keen family. Nathan has 1 pair, I have 3, Ethan is on his second pair, Saroya on her 3rd. All but Miss J. They didn't have her size last year and I have been hearing about it since then. "Where are my Keen shoes?" Every shoe store she asks, "Momma, does this have my Keen shoes?" Finally- I found a good sale after visiting my grandparents in GR and brought them home.
When I got home Nathan & the kids were out back having a bonfire. I yelled for Jaleigh to come see what I had. "Momma- No! We are having a bomb fire." I said, "I got you some Keen shoes." She turned around to Nathan and lowered her voice, "Oh my gosh! Momma got me Keen shoes!!" Then turned back toward me and ran across the yard saying, "Oh my gosh, Oh my gosh, Oh my gosh!" When she got to me with a look of disbelief she said, "Momma- you got me KEEN shoes??" When I got them out and as I put them on her she just kept giggling with her hand over her mouth. It was the funniest thing! I never imagined it would have affected her this much! How could I have waited SO long?? We needless to say, she feels a part of the family again, and I am the greatest person that is alive today in her eyes. Life is good!
Lookin' good Jaleigh!! Fit for a hiking princess!
Emma was looking at your blog with me and she said and I quote "I like Jaleigh's outfit. I like her shoes too. Jaleigh is my friend. I want to see her." Ditto Emma, ditto.
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