Sunday, November 18, 2007

Fire Starter

Today, I asked Ethan to go out and do yet some MORE leaf raking with me. It was a really cold day, so I decided that I would start a fire in the fire pit so we could go warm up between trips to dump the leaves. I found a few decomposing logs and threw them in the pit. Ethan walks up and says, "What are you doing?" I say, "I am making a fire so we can stay warm." He replies, "You don't know the first thing about making a fire. Let me do it...." Then I sat back and watched.
I know it is a simple thing, starting a fire. Even starting a fire "the RIGHT way" might not be that big of a deal. But for me, watching him start a fire just like his dad has always done, it was surreal. I was so proud of him. I am so thankful for the kind of boy he is and I am in awe of how fast he is growing. Sometimes the future scares me, the dreaded "teenage years", but for just a little while today- I saw him as a kid growing up and I was excited.
The fire lasted long into the dark as we sat around it talking about nothing in particular. We watched the embers fly up and graze the trees above, the kids even lit long logs on fire and used them to make smoke letters. I didn't get too many leaves raked up, but it didn't matter. There is always tomorrow. I was happy to throw all the plans out the window and share this night with my kids.


Salem said...

The next thing you know, he'll be going to UFRA!! I really can't believe how big he looks in the pictures!! I swear you just babysat me and came to firesides at my old a couple years ago!! Time is beginning to fly by.

Nikki said...

Ethan is a cool kid. Love the pictures- they tell the story perfectly!

Beth Soelberg said...

Was there ever a time in history when parents didn't fear the Teenage Years? I'm already scared, and they're a decade off for my kidlets.

And hey, Ethan came by his fire-making skills naturally, with Nathan's Scout experience and your years of Girls' Camp Training! He's a wonderful kid, Holly - Good job.

Dave said...

I love it that, as busy as you can be at times, you take time to be introspective of your family and life's simple things... and Record It! And the pictures are a Huge Plus