When I got in the car this morning I noticed every compartment open and papers strewn around. My first thought was, "What was Nathan looking for?" Then immediately realized if Nathan had really been looking for something, the van would have been cleaner than it was in the first place. I noticed even the video screen open. Our van had been broken into.
I guess "broken into" isn't really what happened because the door was unlocked. Then they wouldn't have to break the window, right? ;) I did a quick check and realized my makeup bag was gone. Who steals a makeup bag?? Seriously! Just someone trying to tick me off I am sure.
I spent the next 45 minutes on the phone trying to get an appointment with the Doctor because Ethan has a nasty skin infection on his knee. This is our 4th time dealing with this (probably) so we kind of know the drill. I finally got the appointment... 3:50p. Since it was only 9:45a I decided to take Ethan to school.
When I went to get him from school to take him to the appointment, he is limping like crazy. I chalk it up to being dramatic around his friends and we head off to his appointment.
We got to go to a "private" entrance because of the infection. Cool!! :) It is right in the back by the patient rooms so we got to watch the nurses (and listen to them mumble about patients and the doctor!! :) and doctor go from room to room. We found out he was running 1 hour behind schedule.
When the doctor finally got there he was concerned. I have never seen him this concerned. He is usually very low key. He was concerned that the infection was soo deep and fast moving, it had spread to his joint. He pushed and squeezed soo hard on Ethan's knee, globs of junk were coming out. Ethan was crying, but trying to be tough. I was loosing it and thought I was going to be sick. Finally he said he wanted us to go to the ER to get a second opinion. I was so embarrassed when the doctor shook my had at the end because my had was all sweaty!! And remember, I am still make-up free... BLAH!
We got a room at the ER pretty quickly and the Doctor was waiting for us. He said he didn't think the infection was in his joint, but because the infection was spreading soo quickly he wanted to do a dose of IV antibiotics.
Ethan wasn't happy to get the IV, but again was so tough. 10 minutes after he started getting the meds, he started itching.
Then it got more and more intense. His face was beet red and he was crying and itching and burning. I ran to get the doctor.
Of course he was having a reaction to the medication so they quickly stopped the meds and gave him 3 other meds to counter act the reaction. Seriously!
Finally, after a nap and some strict instruction from the ER doc that if his fever went up anymore he was to come back in and he was to see the pediatrician first thing in the morning to evaluate the progress, we came home.
After a day when you just want to scream "UNCLE!!" you realize that you end up feeling so thankful for the blessings we have.
Thankful for the reminder that I really should lock my van.
Thankful for the realization that my purse was in the van all along, but it was in the very back and untouched.
Thankful for caring doctors and nurses and medications that can help us when we really need it.
Thankful that this morning his knee is still disgusting, but looking better.
Thankful for the priesthood, my husband and the peace and that brings to us all.
Thankful for our bodies that heal quickly.
Thankful the neighbor dog found my makeup bag... but it was empty.
Realizing that all day today I haven't been being shot down, but dodging bullets....